Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

It was a very busy, but good weekend. Monte sister Sami and her family came and stayed at our house. On Friday Monte and Brian when Golfing. Monte has been wanted to go golfing forever (thanks Brian)! Then on Saturday we went to Death Valley camping with most of Monte family.It was good to see them, we haven't in awhile. It was a really busy weekend but non eventful. Carson loved to be up in the mountains, due to the fact he loves to be outside. Monte pushed him around in the stroller to get him to sleep and he was asleep forever.
On another note, i took Carson to the lady that watches him and he loves it. she has a little boy that is 3months younger then Carson, and they are the best of buds. they get so excited to see each other. i really like to take him there. He goes, no problem!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Random Blog thoughts

Hill, Cass, Carson, and I went to see Jen and her family this last weekend! It was lots of fun. We played at the park, it was beautiful down there. We celebrated Jenns birthday on Saturday and mine on sunday. For my birthday Chad offered to keep the older kids and let us go shopping! We had so much fun. Jen took us to dinner, my choice (Olive Garden, yum yum!) Thanks Jen!! It was a great weekend. Monte was on graves so he missed out on the fun.
hope everyone has a great memorial day!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Poor Carson

What a week!! Carson has been sick. It all started on Sunday night with a little fever. i just blamed it on teething and gave him Motrin and put him to bed. Then on Monday he slept literally ALL DAY. He didnt even want to wake up to eat. I had to work so Hill watched him. I went to pick him up and rubbed his head ( i always do) and his soft spot was swollen up. i came home and called my doctor and told her everything and she told us we needed to take him in. so we headed out and skipped Evanston and when to SLC. After out 3 1/2 hour wait in the ER, we got in. And like always when you get to the doctor his fever had broke,the lump was gone, and he was laughing. so i told her the story and she said that she would suggest blood work and some test. she was worried about meningitis, which was what my doctor said also. So we ended up with checking for a UTI, blood work, and worst a spinal tap. it was possibly and worst and longest night of out life. After all that they didnt find anything and so they gave him some antibiotics and sent us home. We got home at 8 Am and put carson to bed. I woke him up at 2 to eat. they were not looking good again, fever,sleepy,swollen soft spot. It all started again. i just was going to wait and see what he did when he started to throw up. it was AWFUL!!! so i called the doctor and we when in. Needless to say she thinks its just a stomach virus. We just have to wait it out. she also said that it spreads easy so we hope that the whole family wont get it. our poor couch, carpet, and me have all gotten a taste of our life of sick kids to come. im so glad that was all that it ended up being. needless to say a very long week.